Have you seen the trees? Or the pictures of the trees? They make me so happy for several reasons:
* We did it! People were interested enough in the concept to participate by making stuff, showing up to work on sewing the pieces together and then coming out way too early on a Saturday to put it all up.
* They're beautiful. One of my goals as an artist is to make beautiful things--and we've succeeded here.
* I met so many lovely people through this process. People who can see that I'm not your average knitter and accept me anyway.
* It was so much fun! So much. I can't stress that enough. Man, that was fun.
* I've gone back a couple times since Saturday morning and it's just so fun to see people interacting with them.
* I can finally move on to other knitting projects now. I learned so much and coordinating a project of this scope is something I will do again. But I put some other projects aside to concentrate on this one, and now they're vying for attention.
4/30/2012 02:49:32 am

saw the trees on Thursday and had to smile! Great job - that was a lot of knitting!


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